Photo by Scott Sebring |
Earlier this year I got to meet a number of my clients when I attended the Gallifrey One convention. We had the chance to get together for a unique photo-shoot with five of the Ten Coats I had made!
One of the group, Josianne Morel (see left, seated), is one of my more unusual clients – a woman who cross dresses as Ten.
Here is her review of the coat she commissioned from me.
Photo by Minh Doan |
This whole adventure started early this summer when I discovered
Doctor Who. At first, I didn’t want to cosplay The Doctor, as I am a woman and that I really don’t have the same body structure as David Tenant, but I soon figured out that I loved the character way too much not give it a go.
So I started to look around for others who had done the outfit before. A few names popped up: Magnoli’s tailoring shop, Baron Boutique, etc. When I started to enquire about the trench coat, one name kept popping up over and over again: Steve Ricks. A lot of fans and costumers were telling me that he was making the best replicas of Tennant’s trench coat out there.
Photo by Minh Doan |