After a bit of time in my room unpacking my costumes and sorting out my WiFi, I went down to the lobby to register for the event.
By now the place was packed, and full of fans checking in and milling around.
The convention is taking place in the Hilton hotel close to Birmingham International Airport, so reminds me no end of the set up for Gallifrey One in Los Angeles.
On the way down to the opening ceremony I had one if those awkward yet flattering moments in the lift.
Standing next to some one, they looked at me, pointed, and said “You’re Steve Ricks!”
I always enjoy speaking to readers of my blogs as at least it proves someone is reading them! But it's un-nerving when you are recognised by a stranger.
Awkward introductions over we had a cool chat in the lobby, during which it emerged he had recently snapped up a pair of All Saints boots on eBay - the same pair a friend had spotted, but had missed out on when the auction suddenly closed early. Now I know why!

The monotony is broken by a member of staff putting a Santa hat on a Dalek at the front of the stage. This prompts a flurry of flashes as a lot of people rush forward for a photo. Everyone needs to pace themselves me thinks!
It’s not even started and we’re running FIFTY minutes late.
I’m then subjected to the Midnight police, who not only want you to have phones on silent - but demand flight mode so no Facebook, Twitter or Internet! Bloody Kaleds!
Must say its taking the shine off the event already.
Finally we get going and after some introductions we get to see the guests who are already here (David and Billie are only here for the Sunday).
Here is the list of guests.
BloggersHere to host some of the panels is BlogtorWho webmaster Cameron K McEwan.
Gary RussellOne time editor of Doctor Who Magazine, now part time script editor on the Who universe.
James SwallowJames has the notoriety of being the only British writer on Star Trek, and has written Peacemaker, a Tenth Doctor novel.
Tony LeeTony is a comic book writer, and has written the Doctor Who / Star Trek crossover, as well as a number of Big Finish productions.
Barnaby EdwardsLong time lead Dalek operator, Barnaby has been writing Big Finish production and appeared as a mysterious Monk in the Pond Life prequels.
Phil FordPhil has script written a number of Sarah Jane Adventures, as well as the new RTD series, Wizards vs Aliens.
Annette BadlandsAnnette appeared in series one as a Slitheen, and now has a regular part in Wizards vs Aliens.
Dan StarkeyDan has the distinction of playing almost all the Sontarans on Doctor Who since series three.
Anjli MohindraAnjli played Rani on The Sarah Jane Adventures.
Gareth David LloydGareth is a firm fan favourite, having played Ianto Jones in Torchwood.
Eve MylesFinally tonight, we met Eve, who I must say is worth every penny! She gives as good as she gets and is a game girl.
Oh yeah, she was in Torchwood.
The full story of my time at Midnight,
can be read here
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