The past few auctions have been Doctor Who lite when it comes to items, so there is no surprise that the first post-Anniversary is brimming with costumes and nick backs, dating back to 1968.
A large part of the sale is for Torchwood costumes. Since I don’t have a dedicate blog, I thought I’d post them here as they were at least concurrent with the Tenth Doctor era.
Like the 2010 auction, the catalogue is brand label rich with information. Shame these weren’t known back in 2006!
As usual I have separated the items by Doctor era, and you can see the rest of the items here:
Here are just the lots relating to TorchwoodLot 127
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 3: JOHN BARROWMAN AS CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS, A COLLECTION OF PART COSTUMES, comprising; Episode 1 - a navy double-cuff cotton shirt, a white t-shirt with label removed and a pair of navy wool pleat front trousers, accompanied by Episode 3 - a blue Gap t-shirt, grey jersey jogging bottoms, and brown Caterpillar walking shoes.

Estimate £350 - 550
Sold for £437
Lot 128
TORCHWOOD SERIES 1-3: A MODEL FLAYED CORPSE,of foam latex, metal and mixed materials, within plastic bag.
Estimate £250 - 350
Sold for £275
Lot 129
TORCHWOOD SERIES 1-3: A PAIR OF PROSTHETIC 'WEEVIL' MASKS, of foam latex, with BBC number attached to interior, 16 inches (41cm) high.
Estimate £300 - 500
Sold for £600
Lot 130
TORCHWOOD SERIES 1-3: A COLLECTION OF PROSTHETIC CORPSE BODY PARTS AND TORSOS, male and female, including: a fibreglass torso, with latex covered stomach wound; a silicone and metal wound brace; and an assortment of foam latex body parts, the torso 39 inches (99cm) long.
Estimate £300 - 500
Sold for £275

Lot 131
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 2 EPISODE 2 'SLEEPER': EVE MYLES AS GWEN COOPER, A COSTUME FOR, comprising; a black heavy cotton 'G-Star' jacket, with BBC stock number, a brown cotton 'Warehouse' top, a pair of pin-stripe trousers and a pair of biege 'Belstaff' punch-hole boots.

Estimate £250 - 300
Sold for £350
Lot 132
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 2: JOHN BARROWMAN AS CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS, A COLLECTION OF PART COSTUMES, comprising; Episode 12 'Fragments' - a cream coloured pleated front cotton Vintage shirt, with cream coloured collarless jersey, both with simulated bloodstained wound detail and a pair of grey and red braces with button attachments;
Episode 13 'Exit Wounds' - a pale blue cotton shirt, with blooded shot wounds detailing, and a similar sequence shirt and white t-shirt, covered with surface dirt for burial scene; Episode 3 'To The Last Man' - A pair of Caterpillar hiking books.
Estimate £350 - 550
Sold for £2,125
Lot 133
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 2: KAI OWEN AS RHYS WILLIAMS, A COLLECTION OF PART COSTUMES, including; Episode 13 - a pair of 'Carhartt' jeans, a red sweatshirt, and a pair of brown leather ankle boots; Episode 4 - a grey and purple polo shirt, a navy 'Harwood's Haulage' jacket, a white stripe cotton shirt, navy blue trousers;
together with an 'Action Model' outfit being red and blue hoop rugby shirt, brown leather jacket and a pair of 'Carhartt' jeans (11)
Estimate £300 - 500
Sold for £125
Lot 134
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 2 EPISODES 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 AND 12: GARETH DAVID-LLOYD AS IANTO JONES, A COLLECTION OF PART COSTUMES, comprising; Episode 2 - a 'Zara' charcoal pinstripe three-piece suit with BBC Stock Number label, red cotton 'Next' shirt, black and white 'Next' tie and a pair of black leather shoes; Episode 3 - black and grey three piece 'Topman' suit, blue cotton 'Next' shirt, with black and white stripe tie, a pair of black leather shoes; Episode 5 - black cotton trench coat and lilac cotton shirt; Episode 6 & 7 - red cotton 'Next' shirt, with striped 'Next' tie; Episode 12 - grey cotton shirt, and black and red stripe tie.

Estimate £400 - 500
Sold for £812

Lot 135
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 2 EPISODE 8 'A DAY IN THE DEATH': EVE MYLES AS GWEN COOPER, A COSTUME, comprising; a black leather biker jacket with zip pockets, labelled inside Jade, Leather Wear, with attached BBC stocknumber, a green coloured top, a pair of '7 - For All Man Kind' jeans and a pair of beige 'Belstaff' punch-hole boots (5)

£250 - 300
Sold for £437
Lot 136
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 2: EPISODE 7 'DEAD MAN WALKING', FREEMA AGYEMAN AS MARTHA JONES A THREE-PIECE PART COSTUME, comprising; a black cotton 'Belstaff' jacket, with grey satin trim; lavender coloured vest top, with indigo blue gap jeans.

Estimate £250 - 350
Sold for £375
Lot 137
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 2 - EPISODE 5 'ADAM': DEMETRI GORITSAS AS CAPTAIN JACK'S FATHER 'FRANKLIN' AND ETHAN BROOKE AS CAPTAIN JACK'S BROTHER 'GRAY', TWO PART COSTUMES, including; Franklin - a simulated shot wound bloodstain oatmeal coloured collarless shirt, with beige waistcoat; Gray - a similar collarless shirt and waistcoat, with beige combat trousers, a pair of fur lined boots, beige belt and muslin neck scarf.

Estimate £300 - 500
Sold for £187
Lot 138
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 2 EPISODE 4 'MEAT': EVE MYLES AS GWEN COOPER, A COSTUME, comprising; a red collarless fitted shirt embroidered with flower motif to yoke, sides and cuffs, and a black leather biker jacket with zip pockets, labelled inside Jade, Leather Wear, with attached BBC stocknumber and a pair of '7 - For All Man Kind' jeans.

Estimate £300 - 500
Sold for £312
Lot 139
TORCHWOOD SERIES 1-3: A COLLECTION OF PROSTHETICS AND PROPS, including three severed heads, each of foam latex, two with synthetic hair, together with a foam latex hand and a silicone on former scarred face and shoulder mask, the mask 20½ inches (52cm).
Estimate £300 - 500
Sold for £350
Lot 140
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 1 AND 2: NAOKO MURI AS TOSHIKO "TOSH" SATO, A COLLECTION OF PART COSTUMES, comprising; Series 2 Episode 12 - a red boiler suit; Unknown episodes - a collection of shirts, two pairs of jeans, denim skirt, brown pinstripe trousers, black trousers, a collection of eleven knitted cardigans in a range of styles and colours, charcoal pinstripe ladies suit jacket with matching trousers and skirt and a navy blue trench coat.
Estimate £400 - 600
Sold for £250
Lot 141
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 1 EPISODE 10 'OUT OF TIME': EVE MYLES AS GWEN COOPER, A COLLECTION OF PART COSTUMES, comprising; a red v-neck 'Miss Selfridge' top, a grey 'Urban Athletics' t-shirt with attached white sleeves, a teal coloured 'Diesel' t-shirt, a beige leather studded belt and a sage green 'G-Star' jacket together with a black 'Karen Millen' cocktail dress with leather detail and a pair of black leather 'Dolcis' sandals.

Estimate £250 - 350
Sold for £250
Lot 142
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 1 EPISODE 8: 'THEY KEEP KILLING SUSIE', JOHN BARROWMAN AS CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS, A PART COSTUME, comprising; a green double-cuff cotton shirt, with BBC tag, a white Ralph Lauren Polo Sport t-shirt, and brown wool trousers, bearing label Angels and inscribed in blue ink 'John Barrowman, April '06'.
Estimate £400 - 600
Sold for £250
Lot 143
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 1: EVE MYLES AS GWEN COOPER, A COLLECTION OF PART COSTUMES, comprising; Episode 1 'Everything Changes' - a navy blue 'Religion' cotton t-shirt, with v-neck and back laced with pink string, with an H&M blue cotton jacket, together with a brown leather three-quarter length 'Heelie' coat, from an unknown episode and series, all items with BBC Stock Number tags.

Estimate £300 - 500
Sold for £200
Lot 144
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 1 EPISODE 6 'COUNTYCIDE': EVE MYLES AS GWEN COOPER, A COMPLETE COSTUME, comprising; green 'Members Only' bomber jacket, light blue 'French Connection' t-shirt, dark blue '7' jeans, and green 'Converse' boots, all items with BBC Stock Number tags.
Estimate £300 - 500
Sold for £375
Lot 145
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 1 EPISODE 3 'GHOST MACHINE': EVE MYLES AS GWEN COOPER, TWO PART COSTUMES FOR EVE MYLES AS GWEN COOPER, comprising; a 'Diesel' black cotton t-shirt, and a grey 'Hooch' jacket; a pair of dark blue 'Miss Sixty' jeans, a grey 'Ramones' t-shirt with blue diamante crystal and a navy blue 'Diesel' bomber jacket, all pieces with BBC Stock Number tags.

Estimate £250 - 350
Sold for £312
Lot 146
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 1 AND 2: BURN GORMAN AS OWEN HARPER, A COLLECTION OF PART COSTUMES, comprising; Series 1 Episode 4 - black 'G-star' jacket, a pair of black trousers, and a black t-shirt; Series 1 Episode 12 - navy linen shirt, grey cotton t-shirt, tan leather belt and brown 'Timberland' boots; Series 2 Episode 6 - grey long-sleeve shirt, blue 'G-star' jeans, and brown leather boots.
Estimate £300 - 500
Sold for £200
Lot 147
TORCHWOOD: JOHN BARROWMAN AS CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS, A COLLECTION OF PART COSTUMES, comprising; a full length RAF blue Great Coat, double breasted with domed gilt RAF-style buttons with raised wings and crown motif and Group Captain epaulettes, shortened for running scenes, labelled in the inside jacket pocket Angels, handwritten in blue ink John Barrowman, May '07, with attached BBC stocknumber; together with from unknown episodes, four pairs varying style grey wool trousers, four navy blue Ralph Lauren Polo Sport t-shirts, four cotton shirts, in varying blue and navy weaves.

Estimate £700 - 900
Sold for £3,125
Lot 148
TORCHWOOD, SERIES 1 EPISODE 13 'END OF DAYS': EVE MYLES AS GWEN COOPER, A COSTUME, comprising; a black Diesel jacket, with large brass buttons and zip detail, together with long-sleeved purple top, labelled 'Costume 1'.

Estimate £250 - 300
Sold for £437
Lot 149
TORCHWOOD: JOHN BARROWMAN AS CAPTAIN JACK, A COLLECTION OF PART COSTUMES, comprising; a 'Belstaff' taupe coloured bomber jacket, with corduroy collar; Series 1 Episode 10 - Nigel Hall blue stripe shirt; together with from unknown episodes, navy blue pinstripe wool trousers, three white Polo Sport t-shirts, seven cotton shirts, in varying blue weaves (13)
including: Series 1 - Episode 1, 2006.

Estimate £400 - 600
Sold for £475
Lot 150
TORCHWOOD: JOHN BARROWMAN AS CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS, A COLLECTION OF PART COSTUMES, comprising; a full length RAF blue Great Coat, double breasted with domed gilt RAF-style buttons with raised wings and crown motif and Group Captain epaulettes, shortened for running scenes, labelled in the inside jacket pocket Angels, handwritten in blue ink John Barrowman, July '08, with attached BBC stocknumber; together with from unknown episodes, three pairs of varying style dark grey wool trousers, four white Ralph Lauren Polo Sport t-shirts, three identical blue double cuff cotton shirts.
Estimate £600 - 800
Sold for £3,500
If I had the money and ability, I'd be all over that Capt. Jack coat. That's how much I'd expect to pay for a replica - for the real thing that'd be a steal.
ReplyDeleteI was at the last Bonhams auction with a Cpt Jack coat - If that's anything to go by, those coat estimates need to be tripled.